If you are not satisfied with your order for any reason, you can exercise your right of return within 14 business days from the day you received the products purchased on www.fratellirossi.it. Furthermore, to exercise the right of return, the products must not have been used or damaged (e.g., scratches, stains, torn seams) and must be returned in their original packaging.
Please communicate your decision by writing to us at contact@fratellirossi.it and specifying the order details. We will organize the return with DHL and provide you with the necessary information to ensure the pickup is successful.
If all the required conditions are met, we will refund the value of the purchased products, withholding the shipping costs of the return. For all countries we ship to, except Italy, the cost withheld is equivalent to the price you incurred for delivery to your home. For returns in Italy, we reserve the right to withhold a cost of €10.00.
We commit to completing the refund within 14 business days of receiving the products and will perform the refund using the same payment method as the original order.